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Join me for a FREE online book club on The Future We Choose and be part of the movement toward global optimism and taking responsibility for our climate future.


I don’t know if you have been feeling urgent, afraid, overwhelmed or helpless about the impending march of global warming, but I certainly have. And I’ve wanted so much to DO something, but have been unsure of where to start. Christiana Figures and Tom Rivett-Carnac—the architects of the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement—have just published The Future We Choose: Surviving the Climate Crisis—and I don’t think I’ve ever been more inspired by a book in my life.

It’s like a kick in the pants, a spiritual transformation and a guidebook to action all rolled into one bite-sized book. I have cried through several chapters—but not necessarily with grief and fear. I am now so moved by the vision they create for our possible future, and the necessary steps within ourselves and our societies to manifest that vision, that it is honestly the first time in a long time that I have felt HOPE and OPTIMISM, and feel energized for the road ahead.

Whatever the challenges close to your heart—poverty, racism, sexism, the health of the ecosystem, economic prosperity, animals, human animals, community, joy, global peace—this book and the transformation story it tells, affects ALL of these issues.  

I am so enjoying reading the book that I wanted to invite you to join me in an online book club. As I read a section of the book, I will follow it with a 20 min Facebook live interactive session for 5 consecutive Sundays at 12 pm PT, where we will discuss the experience of those chapters, and a specific call to action from the book.


Book Club dates will be:

  1. March 22

  2. March 29

  3. April 5

  4. April 12

  5. April 19

And joining me for the first several sessions is Elissa Epel, author of The Telomere Effect to share with us about Climate Distress Disorder… and what we can do about it!

I’d love for you to join us!

How do you do that? Sign up here for reminders and updates. Then just before noon on these dates, navigate to the Doctor Rachel Facebook account: @doctorrachelabrams. A Facebook Live post will begin at 12 pm PT.

IMPORTANT: If we want to reach folks outside of our group with this message, please “like” the Facebook Live post and feel free to comment below! We will get to as many comments as we can during the live broadcast.